Drought ~ by Pam Bachorz

Dystopian novels seems to be really popular right now. And there's something "safe" about reading about another society that's so messed up when it's so beautiful and sunny out (almost makes you forget about all the troubles our world suffers from!).

So, I was looking forward to reading Drought. The Congregation is under the control of Darwin West and the Overseers and spend all their time harvesting water, one drop at a time - and suffering horribly when they are unsuccessful. There's something special about one of the Congregants, Ruby: her blood has healing powers. Expectations are high for Ruby - can she save the Congregation and herself?

Sadly, Drought just doesn't seem to live up to its potential. It's like all the pieces didn't add up - it's set in current times, but also has elements that just don't fit with our world. And the unusual characteristics of the Congregants are never really explained, nor do they seem entirely necessary.

It is suspenseful, and I have to admit, I wanted to keep reading right to the end, but it left me feeling just a little disappointed. I'm curious to see what others have to say about it. My guess is that although it's on the Teens Top Ten nominations list, it won't make it into the Top Ten. What do you think?

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