Rez Reads is coming!

Next week - May 11th-15th - is Rez Reads week here at Resurrection. That means 20 whole minutes every day where we get to read whatever we want. Let me tell you, those 20 minutes (or 10-15, by the time I get finished checking out books to students who forgot to bring something!) are pure bliss.

I often read an Entertainment Weekly magazine or something from the New Internationalist or Geez magazines...depending on whether I want to read something escapist and "fluffy" or something more thought-provoking. My reading preferences are very mood-dependent.

I think, though, for this Rez Reads, I'm going to pick one of the novels that will be on next year's Rez Reads list (stay tuned for more information before the end of the school year!!).

Happy reading...and remember to share your favourites by filling out a Rez Recommends might even win a prize!

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